Advertise on TORCH

TORCH: Tor Search is a very efficient crawler and search engine which is 24 hour indexing new contents from the TOR network.
It serves over 80,000 search requests every day from TOR users looking for content in TOR network and it is referred by hundreds of sites within TOR and also on the clear web.

* NOTE * As being a hiden service, please, consider the "Hits" and "Pages" columns from the report and ignore the "Visits" and "Sites" columns. TORCH crawls the onion web 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and also it re-visits the indexed sites to discover and remove offline and dead hidden services. Fluctuations of the traffic are caused by this active crawling and also by TOR global network incidences.

In order to maintain the servers we offer the possibility of inserting advertisement banners on the Front Page and on the Results Page as follows:

Service's Terms and Conditions

Technical conditions
  • File type of the SEARCH RESULTS PAGE banner will be JPG, GIF or PNG and size must be exactly width 120 px and height 60 px.
  • File type of the FRONT PAGE banner will be JPG, GIF or PNG and size must be exactly width 468 px and height 60 px.
  • Animated GIFs are allowed.
  • Link will be a clean <a> HTML tag. No Javascript allowed.
Payment conditions
  • Payment method is Bitcoin (BTC) transfer.
  • 1 month prepayment before the ad is set on the web.
  • Ad will be published once the Bitcoin transaction is validated.
  • Minimum payment period is one month and maximum is 6 months (see pricing table below).
  • Minumum number of ordered ads is 1 and maximum is 3 (see pricing table below). They can be different Ads on every ordered ad space.
  • Renewal of the service will be notified to us by email 5 days before it expires.
  • Every Bitcoin payment will be done to an unique Bitcoin address which will be sent to you by email before the payment and it will not be used again.
Usage conditions for advertisers
  • No scam allowed.
  • No promotion of ***** *****ography websites or any C.P. related content is allowed.
  • Torch recommends using external and well known escrow services to sell your products or services.
  • Before publishing is required that advertisers must give a plausible proof of their activity: tagged and timestamped photographs of their products, tagged and timestamped screen photos, customer's feedback with photographs, etc.
  • If scam is reported to Torch, the supposed scamming advertiser will be contacted. If no response is given, the advertisement will be retired preventively while Torch waits for an answer.
  • If scam is proved, the scamming advertisement is retired and the advertiser won't be able to make business in Torch again. No refunds to vendor/buyers will be made.
  • Torch does not have any responsibility if a scam takes place.
  • Torch does not refund scammed buyers.
  • Torch does not mediate any transaction between vendor and buyer.
  • Advertisers must not discredit each other on their respective websites during their campaigns.
  • Banners that are going to be placed, must not have a too much similar design from the ones that are already published. Copying banners, names and slogans is not permitted.
  • Torch will remove the advertisements which do not follow one or more of the above conditions. The advertiser will not receive a refund, in that case.
Usage conditions for advertiser's customers (buyers)
  • Torch recommends using external and well known escrow services to buy from advertisers that are not marked as *VERIFIED*.
  • Torch does not have any responsibility if a scam takes place.
  • Torch does not refund scammed buyers.
  • Torch does not mediate any transaction between vendor and buyer.
Prices are shown in the following table. Prices updated on 2024-08-06.

Ads / Time1 Month3 Months6 Months
1 Ad 0.000879 BTC 0.001758 BTC 0.003515 BTC
468x60 Ad
0.001055 BTC 0.001933 BTC 0.003691 BTC

Promoting URL:
Contact e-Mail:
Banner image URL: